So I am now officially a college graduate. Weird. This week has been exhausting!! I spent all day Monday through Thursday at 8-hour review sessions at school. Boo. I personally believe it is quite cruel to allow a person to take all their finals the week after spring break, release them into the work world for 4 or 5 weeks, so they just start to get used to not being in school anymore, only to force them back into a classroom for insane numbers of hours doing nothing but question-and-answer sessions. It's just not right. But I survived, so I'll stop complaining. Thursday night was the pinning ceremony. It was pretty nice, I guess. I managed to avoid falling down the outrageously steep aisle in the auditorium and made it across the stage without tripping, so I'll count it as a win. There were a couple of awkward moments througout the evening, but for different reasons. But all in all, it was a good night. Friday was graduation rehearsal and Friday night was the big Centennial Celebration at ACU. It was ok. The "Grand Processional" of graduates (which I opted
not to participate in) was a little less than grand, and the laser show was more than a little cheesy, but Dr. Money has a decent sense of humor and one of the professors did a cartwheel in full graduation regalia, so I stayed pretty entertained. My official graduation was this morning at 11. Luckily, I got to be in the shorter graduation. Ours consisted of the colleges of Biblical studies, business administration, and nursing. I think we had about 1/3 the number of graduates as the afternoon graduation. How did I get so lucky? Of course all the fam came in for the festivities, but luckily our new house is plenty spacious enough to accomodate the crowd. It's just too bad we're not finished with all the repairs and such, so everyone had to look at it's current state of ugliness all weekend. Oh well. It's been a good weekend. Additional highlights include Megan's friend Gabe cooking dinner
and breakfast for my entire family, and my little brother trying to set me up with his RA. Good times. Hopefully the summer will be a great one too!!