I have been feeling a little bit blah lately. Perhaps I am just tired. I am in Arlington for the weekend. Hopefully a change of scenery will perk me right up.
In my recent state of blah-ness, I have been doing some thinking. I feel like I'm in an "in-between" stage of life right now. The only problem is, I'm not sure what it is that I'm between. It's like I'm waiting for my life to start. But it has started. It's really quite a confusing feeling. I think a big part of it is a feeling of lonliness. I know I am not alone; I have great roommates and friends and a fantastic family. And of course I have a Heavenly Father who never leaves my side. But I still feel alone sometimes. And the fact that the majority of my friends now come in couples doesn't really help the feeling. But I don't want to sound whiny or mopey. I know I have no reason to feel sorry for myself. God has blessed me immensely. I have not been as grateful to Him for it as I need to be. I have let my relationship with God slide down on my priority list. This is a big part of my problem. Without Him, I will never feel whole.