Saturday, September 04, 2004

True story

Ok. So I've always known I was the biggest klutz on the face of the earth, but today it was proven once and for all. So I'm at work waiting on the one and only table in the whole place, taking out their drinks. On my tray there is a glass of iced tea, a glass of ice, a bottle of diet coke, and 2 glasses of red wine. As I'm reaching over to place the glass of tea on the table, the bottle of diet coke decides to fall over and knock over one of the glasses of wine on its way down. An unfortunate incident in and of itself, made worse by the fact that the wine splattered all over the people I was serving!! It seemed to focus itself mainly on one man in particular, splashing almost entirely on his face and head. (Fortunately, he was bald, so he didn't have to worry about sticky wine-hair.) I frantically grabbed napkins from neighboring tables to help clean the mess and had to bring 2 new chairs to the table because the others were soaked. As I type out the details of the scene, I can't help at laugh out loud at how funny it all must have looked, but I was far from laughing as the events were taking place. I must have apologized at least a thousand times, but I don't think I've ever been more embarrassed in all my life. Luckily, the people were really nice about the whole thing. They didn't blame me for it and kept telling me I'd have a funny story to tell my grandkids someday. Wow. I guess the only perk was that I got to leave work early because my crisp, white shirt had a huge red stain all down the right side and I reeked of alcohol. Not exactly the professional appearance they're going for. So yes, there's my humiliating story for the day. Enjoy a chuckle on me.


Blogger Travis and Erin Bodeker said...

Wow, what a great sitcom moment in your life. As I was reading your blog I kept envisioning this event occurring in Seinfeld or Friends.

8:01 AM  
Blogger Travis and Erin Bodeker said...

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1:47 PM  

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