Saturday, August 14, 2004

Let Bill Live

Wow. So tired. And yet I don't go to bed. What am I doing with my life? I just wasted the last 3 hours or so watching Kill Bill, volumes 1 and 2. Let me just say I am more than ready to close that chapter in my life. Those are most definately what I would classify as "boy movies." What can you do?

So tomorrow my little brother will be arriving in Abilene to begin his college adventure. I am very excited about this, but at the same time it kind of weirds me out. I think it will be good times having him out here, though. This truly is the dawning of the age of the younger siblings. It seems like everyone I know has a younger brother or sister coming out here this fall. Ok, maybe not, but quite a few anyway.

I'm very excited about starting a new school year. New beginnings are always exciting. The thrill of the unknown is very, well, thrilling. For some reason I have a feeling that this year is going to be very much different from last year. Obviously, every year is different from the one before, but I feel like this one will be especially so. I am very interested to see how the semester pans out. I know that everyone had very unique experiences over the summer, and I think that as a result of our experiences away from each other we are all slightly different people than the ones who left Abilene (or stayed here, as the case may be) in May. This makes for a whole new group dynamic, which I find quite exciting. In my case, my summer wans't all that adventurous and I spent a good deal of time on my own. But while this wasn't the most entertaining way to spend 3 months of my life, I think it was just what I needed. Being away from home and/or dorm life for the first time ever helped me become more independent. And time away from a big group of friends allowed me to really get to know myself. I don't think I'd ever done that before. I've always been the kind of person who seeks out a crowd to get lost in, and then goes along with whatever the crowd does. But I'm finally starting to realize that I am, in fact, an individual with my own opinions and likes and dislikes, and that's ok. I feel like the person I was in August of last year and the person I am now are completely different. I have even had other people tell me they've noticed a big change in me over the past year (for the better, I would hope!) This excites me greatly. I am feeling much more confident and sure of myself than I ever have, and I can't wait to get this school year started!!


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