Sleep Deprivation at Its Best
I find myself back in Abilene after an exhausting but fabulous week at Iron Springs. Being an advisor instead of a counselor allowed me to experience camp in a whole new way. It was fabulous. The week served for me as a much needed vacation from Abilene, and an opportunity to reconnect with friends I haven't seen in a while, as well as an exciting, spritual experience for the kids who came. The new position which I held this week provided me with more free time than I've ever had at camp, and it resulted in much good-natured mischief. It was great. I feel that everyone deserves the right to be mischievious from time to time. It's healthy, right?
What is not healthy is the extreme sleep deprivation I am still feeling. Every night I was up until at least 12:30 or 1:00 and up again around 7:00. The worst was last night. After camp ended we had to clean up and lock everything up before we could leave, so we got off to a later start than planned for the trip back to Arlington. We arrived in Arlington around 11 or so, and I was ready to crash right then and there. But I still had the trip to Abilene to look forward to. Stephen, Daniel, and I departed around 12:30 and arrived here at like 3:30am. It was nuts. I did get to go by the guys' new house and see everyone that I haven't seen since school was out, but I wasn't exactly in the most social mood at the time. Something about being awake for 20 hours straight will do that do you.
However, I am thrilled that everyone is starting to return from their summer adventures and I'm very excited to see everyone together again. I can't believe Curtis and Lauren will be married in less than 28 hours!! How very exciting!
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