Monday, August 28, 2006

Today was the first day of classes for millions of college students. I did not go to school today. Because I am no longer a student. How weird is that? I still have not entirely grasped this concept. Now, when I fill out forms, in the blank that says occupation, instead of writing student, I can write nurse. That still freaks me out. I feel old.

I love working on the pediatric floor. Working with kids is so much fun. I feel like I'm playing everyday. Lately, however, the hospital has been quite full, and we've been getting some "non-traditional" pedi patients. Today I took care of a very nice man in his 50's. He came in on Friday for what was supposed to be an outpatient biopsy. But something happened, he had some kind of reaction, and he bought himself a 4 day stay in the hospital. Bummer. But it gets worse. Today, his doctor informed him that he has a very aggressive form of cancer that is already spreading inside him. I wanted to cry when I learned this. He and his wife did cry. They were given the news shortly before the end of my shift, and once I knew they had been told, I found myself unable to go back into the room, because I had no words. What do you say? Everything you've always heard seems so cliche and meaningless. It's strange, because you would think that having dealt with cancer in my own family, I would be more able to handle this kind of situation. But I can't. I don't even think I really handled it when it happened in my family. I knew what was going on, but I never really faced the reality of the situation. Fortunately, in that case, everything worked out as hoped, and I never had to face the kind of gravity this couple is currently facing. Maybe their story will have a happy ending too. I sure hope so. All I know is I now have an entirely new appreciation for the nurses who work in situations like this everyday. I don't know that I could do it.


Blogger Unknown said...

Isn't it just marvelous to come home from work and proceed in doing exactly whatever you want to do?! Like, read for pleasure. Or watch a movie! Or just lie in the hammock for a while listening to the birds and the bugs and the waters lapping onto the shore. *sigh* I think I could get used to this...

6:32 AM  

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