Monday, November 28, 2005

Last night, as I sat at Starbucks realizing that I had not brought the book I needed to do the homework I brought, I made a list of all the things I need to do this week. It is quite a lengthy list. And I am proud to say that today I accomplished exactly none of them. Probably not the wisest of decisions, I'll admit, but I won't say I regret it. I think I needed today. I needed a day off. Granted, I just had 6 days off in Arlington where I also did nothing of much value, but that wasn't so much out of choice as having nothing better to do anyway. But today, I had plenty I should have been doing, but instead I did what I think I really needed to do. I spent the day with people I love and had a blast. We had poster presentations in Theory and Research, and I'm very happy with the way our presentation turned out. (The coloring books and bubbles served the double purpose of providing for our entertainment while we waited for people to come check out our poster.) Afterwards, I met up with Sarah for a late dinner/early lunch and spent most of the evening with her, TJ, TJ's sister, and her boyfriend. We went out to Albany for TJ's brother's basketball game. Here I learned that small town people get very excited about 7th grade basketball. It was fun. Brought back memories of those 2 or 3 weeks my junior year in high school I spent as a manager for the girls' basketball team. How that ever happened, I'll never know. Around 11:00 I picked up a pizza and went over to Phyllis' apartment with the intention of studying, but we ended up just talking. It was needed though. We both needed some time to just destress and regroup.

This semester has without a doubt been the hardest I have ever had. Not so much the school part of it, but just life in general. Honestly, as far as school goes, this semester has probably been my favorite, but I've been so distracted with everything else going on that I know I haven't done as well as I could have. But oh well. Sometimes life just happens and you have to go with it. I have a feeling that 20 years from now, I couldn't care less about what grades I made this semester, but I will still be thanking God for the lessons I learned and the growing up I did, painful as it has been.


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