Saturday, October 16, 2004

I think maybe I'm insane

I like being a girl. I like that I can watch incredibly sappy movies and get totally goobly and excited over the sheer cheesiness of it all, and that's ok. Tonight I spent some much needed time with the girls. It was quality. We watched Mean Girls and 13 Going on 30 and ate lots of junk food. I also learned that Mr. Clean holds a special place in the heart of my dear friend Erin. I love that girl. She makes me laugh. A lot.

So last week I decided that I wanted to teach myself to be ambidextrous. It's kind of been a long-time dream of mine. During class or when I get bored at work, I just start trying to write with my left hand. It's kind of a slow process, but I'm convinced it will work. This week I started getting bored with that endeavor, and today I decided to try to teach myself to be fluent in Spanish using I figure if I just learn a few key phrases each day, eventually I'll get it. Then tonight while I was at work, bored out of my mind, I had this brilliant revelation. What if I combine the two? I could look up Spanish phrases online, and then practice writing them with my left hand!! What a deal! I think it could work. It all depends on my ability to stay focused on the task at hand...which puts my odds of success at about a billion to one. But I think it's worth a shot.

And clearly I am in dire need of sleep. I think I will go take care of


Blogger Unknown said...

As your Hispanic-at-heart friend, I warn you... Do not depend on in ANY life threatening situation. If for instance you needed the translation for No I dont want to die, please dont dependon its abilities. For in the mind of, you really end up declaring your wishes to kill all, and die in peace(paraphrased ofcourse).

Sincerely Hispanic,
Felipa Fria

1:50 PM  

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