Sunday, June 05, 2005

Why is it that the only songs that get stuck in my head are really random? For example, currently the chorus of "These Boots are Made for Walking" is running through my head over and over. What the heck? My most common random song is Phantom of the Opera. At least I like that one. Oh well. What can you do?

Today I saw Whitney for the first time in about a week. Funny how two people can sleep right next door to each other and never see each other. Such is life.

My mom was supposed to come see me today, but she's sick so she didn't get to come. Sad day.
And sorry Julie. She was supposed to be bringing you plants for your apartment. I know you were really looking forward to adding some foliage to your decor.

Ryan and I leave for Honduras on Saturday. Holy cow! That's so soon! I'm pretty excited.


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