Saturday, June 03, 2006

Well, another one of my friends joined the ranks of the married people today. I should be getting to used to this by now. I guess I've just reached that time in life when getting married is what all the cool people do. I've always been a couple steps behind the "cool people." I think I'm ok with that...

I do enjoy weddings though. I like it when everyone is happy and pretty, and the punch is usually pretty good too. Today's punch was especially nice. And pink.

My song got stolen. Again. I have this unwritten list of songs I think I might like to have in my own wedding someday. (The day I catch up with the cool people.) One of those songs is "Wrapped Up In You" by Garth Brooks. The first time it was stolen with permission by Sarah and TJ. Today it was stolen without permission. Oh well. I have heard threats of another one of my songs being stolen for a wedding later this summer. Efforts are being made to foil these attempts. I hope they are successful...


Blogger Travis and Erin Bodeker said...

The Woodlands is pretty crazy--I felt like I was in another state. It was absolutely gorgious though. I have a love for trees and I have been starved all my life by living in West Texas. Hope you are having fiun in Abilene. I'm coming up this weekend and then again for the week of the 19-23. Hopefully I will see you then!

2:45 PM  

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