Sunday, October 23, 2005

I am home in Arlington right now. It's nice to be out of Abilene for a bit. Nice to see friends that I haven't seen in a while. Even though half of them live in Abilene as well...ok, that might be a slight exaggeration...

Anyway, I found out this weekend that my brother has a new girlfriend; a piece of information he convenietly failed to mention to his sister. Seriously Brandon, does our siblinghood mean nothing to you? Just kidding. I forgive you...this time.

Today I went to another wedding. It was a nice wedding, but it was kind of hard to sit through. Not because I'm not happy for the couple or anything, but just because weddings remind me of how lonely I am. Not that I have any desire to be married tomorrow or anything, but I liked the feeling of knowing that it was on the horizon. And, in addition to the wedding I attended today, I now know of 9 other weddings which will be occurring within the next 8 months. All of which involve at least one member of the couple that I am fairly close to. Holy gracious. What is going on? When did I become old enough for all this? Life is so confusing right now...


Blogger Unknown said...

WOAH! HOly Crapster!thats insanity!

Hey call me when you get home.. lets grab coffee or somethin.. im sick o studyin..

4:38 PM  

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