Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween! I forgot at least 3 times today that it was Halloween. Ever since I got too old to wear a costume to school, Halloween has slowly lost its appeal. Sad day...

However, one of my teachers proved today that you are never really to old to dress up for class. She came to our afternoon class dressed in men's slacks, a plaid flannel shirt, suspenders, a poorly tied neck-tie, a wig with a comb-over, and one of those masks with the black glasses and fuzzy moustache. She informed us that our regular teacher wasn't feeling well today, and she was the substitute, Dr. Feelgood. She proceeded to read aloud to the class an email outlining all the ways we might be certain we are Texans. It was quite amusing. She did eventually lose the mask, but she wore the rest of the ensemble for the remainder of the class.

So at first, this whole production seemed a little out of place in a classroom full of college seniors. Surely we should be above such foolish shenanigans. But then, upon further contemplation of the matter, I decided that I actually hope to be like this teacher someday. Not so much in the choice of clothing, but in the fact that she has not forgotten how to enjoy life. I don't know exactly how old this particular teacher is, but I'm pretty sure she is one of the "most mature" members of the faculty, yet here she is, cracking herself up at her own silliness. I love it! I want to be that. The person who loves life so much that they don't care what other people think about them. The one who is secure enough in themselves to be willing to laugh at themselves simply for the sake of putting a smile on someone else's face. That's the person I want to be. No more being so insecure of who I am that I try to be everyone else. If God wanted me to be someone else, He would have made me someone else! But He made me me on purpose. I should be embracing my uniqueness, thanking God for every little quirk and flaw He gave me. Because those are what make me ME!

(But someone, please, stop me if I try to go out in public in suspenders and a comb-over wig. The line must be drawn somewhere!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said!

5:13 PM  

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