Saturday, October 29, 2005

Anyone else ever find it weird that the days you do absolutely nothing are the ones that exhaust you the most? Maybe that's just me. It's questionable whether I did anything of actual value at all today. It was however, a very emotionally draining day. But I think it was needed. I hope...

I did spend some time with Phyllis tonight. Hooray for socialization! We are still working on watching the first season of Gilmore Girls. The tension between Luke and Lorelai is already unbearable. I don't know how they kept them apart for 4 seasons. Geniuses, those writers.

My car has decided to take on a personality of it's own. It has taken to fits of stubborness, during which it refuses to start, despite my most heart-felt pleas for cooperation. Three times now it has displayed such unruly behavior. Each time it requires a certain amount of time for sulking, after which it graciously agrees to offer me its services again. I'm not sure what is to be done with such a moody vehicle, but such behavior certainly cannot go unpunished! I'm open to suggestions regarding possible causes for said fits of rebellion, as well as ideas on what to do to end them.

God bless who ever invented daylight savings! An extra hour of sleep is certainly a thing of beauty.


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