Friday, December 30, 2005

"The truth is...with you, I'm in real danger. It took like a perfect situation, apart from that foul temper of yours --but my relatively inexperienced heart would, I fear, not recover if it was once again...cast aside, which I would absolutely expect to be."

So eloquently spoken to Julia Roberts by Hugh Grant in the movie Notting Hill. I wonder how many writers it took to pinpoint my precise feelings at this moment? Obviously, my situation is a bit different from the character who spoke these lines. I am not a male, British, travel-book store owner who is being propositioned by a famous American actress. I do, however, think I understand how he must have felt. What to do, what to do? The character in the movie eventually decided it was worth the risk. The question is, do I?


Blogger Julie said...

brooke, to me, you'll always be a male, british travelbook store owner propositioned by famous americans. and that is why i love you.

i am calling you today, and that is that. i can't stand our separation anymore. i miss phyllis, too. where my girls at?!

6:26 AM  

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